Phase 3: Establishing Employment Eligibility

For most people, this phase of registration can only be completed very close to the date they begin their employment. You need to provide COTM with these items to complete the registration process:

  1. Declaration of Employment
  2. Evidence of Malpractice Insurance
  3. Registration Fee

Declaration of Employment

To be on the Practising or Provisional Registers, you must have an offer of employment. You must also plan to begin working within 3 months of the registration date.

If you have not met all of the requirements to register on the Practising Register, but you are able to register on the Provisional Register, you must send COTM a signed copy of the Supervision Confirmation Form and a plan for supervision. This plan must state how you will work towards achieving the unmet registration requirements.

Evidence required

  • Complete the “Prospective Employment” section of the Application for Registration
  • A completed Supervision Confirmation Form and Supervision Plan (if required)


Liability / Malpractice Insurance

Section 18 of The Occupational Therapists Regulation states: Every OT who provides services to clients must have liability insurance coverage to a minimum of $5,000,000.00.

Professional liability insurance for OT’s can be purchased through CAOT if you are a member of CAOT.  See Insurance for your Practice - Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists | Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes ( for more information.

Reliance on the insurance provided by employers for their employees may not meet  the requirements as set out in The OT Act for all aspects of your practice. You are encouraged to refer to our FACTS - Malpractice Insurance (in Further Reading) for more detailed information.

COTM has pre-approved these insurance plans:

  • professional liability insurance purchased from AON or BMS
  • coverage provided by HIROC Insurance Services (this is the insurance provider for most health care facilities in Manitoba)
  • coverage provided by HED Insurance and Risk Services (this is the insurance provider for most public school divisions in Manitoba)

Evidence required

  • An original insurance certificate if you have purchased professional liability insurance
  • If your insurance coverage is provided by your employer, you must indicate that on your application form
  • Your employer must send a letter to prove that you have the proper insurance coverage if their coverage is provided by an insurance provider that is not on the above list.
  • If you, or your employer, have insurance coverage from another insurance company, COTM may examine the policy to make sure it has proper coverage.

Registration Fee

The last step in the registration process is the payment of the registration fee. Current fees can be found under the Further Reading section. 

The fee is pro-rated quarterly. This means that it is divided into 3-month portions. That way, if you register part of the way through the year, you don’t have to pay for the whole year.  See the Annual Fee Schedule under Further Reading for pro-rated fees.


  • Once COTM staff has reviewed and approved all registration documents, an invoice will be made available in the COTM Member Portal for payment by Visa or Mastercard.

What Happens Next

After COTM receives all of the Phase 3 requirements, you will be provided with a membership card and a formal letter of registration; both can be accessed in your COTM Member Portal. Your name will be entered on the Register of Practising Members or the Register of Provisional Members.  At this point, you can legally practise occupational therapy in Manitoba.