Annual General Meeting

Pursuant to Section 4(5) of The Occupational Therapists Act, a general meeting of the COTM must be held at least once a year. An annual general meeting (AGM) is a meeting that officially constituted organizations are required to hold.

The COTM AGM is held every year to elect the COTM Council members, inform COTM members of key activities, and provide an opportunity for members to receive copies of the organization's fiscal information for the past year and to ask any questions regarding the direction the organization will take in the future. COTM's AGM is typically held during October.

COTM prepares an annual report on our activities throughout the preceding membership year. This comprehensive report details operations, strategic directions, and financial performance.

COTM’s 53rd AGM

The 2024 COTM AGM will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Once again, the AGM will be held online via Teams Meeting. More information, including a link to join in the meeting as well as meeting ID and login details, is available on the COTM AGM webpage in the Member Area.

If you are a COTM member, you will have received your AGM notice postcard in the mail about the on-line Teams meeting. There is no event registration this year - simply join the meeting on Teams Meeting on October 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm.

We look forward to you joining us from the comfort of your home! Please refer to the COTM Member Area for meeting log-in details.

The 2024 Annual General Meeting documents are available below:

Annual Reports