What Guides COTM?
COTM is established as the regulator for the profession of occupational therapy in the Province of Manitoba through legislation – namely, The Occupational Therapists Act.
COTM has a duty to protect the public, making sure that occupational therapists practise in a safe, ethical, and competent manner.
Despite the name, COTM Is not an educational institution nor does COTM provide any clinical services. In some other jurisdictions COTM would be referred to as a licensing board.
Vision Statement
Quality Occupational Therapy - Accountable to Manitobans
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to protect the public by regulating occupational therapy practice in Manitoba.
“The College must carry out its activities and govern its members in a manner that serves and protects the public interest.” The Occupational Therapists Act (2002).
Organizational Values
- Excellence - We strive to be and do the very best.
- Leadership - We demonstrate best practices in regulation.
- Respect - We trust our partners and work openly and honestly.
- Innovation - We collaborate to create unique approaches to opportunities and challenges.
- Integrity - We operate with fairness and transparency to ensure accountability.
- Stewardship - We are careful and accountable for all funds and are especially conscious of the impact of our decisions on our members.
- Social Accountability - We consider the welfare of the community in which we operate.
Strategic Plan 2023- 2026 - A Summary
Strategic Direction #1: Ensuring Confidence in OT Regulation and Risk Assessment
- To monitor and respond to developing changes that are on the provincial, national and/or global stage
- To ensure relevant and appropriate information about COTM is available to the public and COTM members
Strategic Direction #2 -Advancing Quality Practice by OTs
- To enhance ethical practice among OTs
- To reflect evolving practice through professional standards
- Evolve the Continuing Competence Program to incorporate updated national occupational therapy competencies, including supporting members to understand regulatory expectations related to the Culture, Equity and Justice competencies aimed at developing culturally safer occupational therapy in the public interest
- To advance the Continuing Competence Program by developing Competence Evaluation and Competence Improvement components
- To support OT Council members in understanding TRC recommendations
- Ensure COTM Council members and staff have knowledge of culturally safer practices and apply this knowledge to their work with members and the public
- To consider and apply evidence-informed, accessible, and innovative approaches in development related to culturally safety practices
- To advance opportunities for quality practice through OT mentorship programs
Strategic Direction #3: Sustaining strong governance, financial and organizational practices
- To evaluate the effectiveness of resource management – financial
- To develop and maintain a representative council and competency-based board (recruitment)
- To use Complaints and Investigations themes to strengthen COTM support processes for both members and the public
- To review and improve COTM’s physical and virtual accessibility