
Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Designated Health Care Workers

The following information is being sent to health care workers in Manitoba on behalf of the Manitoba Government.

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination

Manitoba has announced that designated employees who work with vulnerable populations must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by October 31, 2021 and must provide proof of vaccination to their employer OR undergo frequent COVID-19 testing. The requirement, by Public Health Order, will include all health care workers employed by or working in areas of direct patient/resident/client care in either public or private health care settings, including hospitals, licensed long-term care facilities, community and home care environments.

Health care workers, in this Order, will be defined broadly as staff, physicians, students, contractors and volunteers.

Direct health-care providers are further defined as, including but not limited to physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, support services and others deemed appropriate for each site/area/program in public and private health-care settings. The Order includes those direct care providers who may come in contact with patients/residents/clients, patient/resident/client care environments, patient/resident/client care equipment and blood and body fluids.

All health care workers are encouraged to get their first vaccine dose as soon as possible. In order to be compliant with this requirement, individuals must receive their first dose by September 7, 2021. To be fully vaccinated by the end of October, individuals must receive their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine no later than October 17, 2021.

Individuals who are not able to be vaccinated for medical reasons, or who choose not to be vaccinated, will be required to undergo regular COVID-19 testing and will be required to provide proof of a recent negative test to their employer before each shift. 

See the full memo:

Read the news release:

For Frequently Asked Questions visit:

While a vaccination requirement is expected to be a significant operational undertaking, requiring education and support, operational leads are working with stakeholders and experts to develop detailed implementation plans and to answer questions from affected individuals. A Frequently Asked Questions document has been developed to answer many of the questions we expect health care workers will have regarding this requirement.

As additional information is available, it will be shared in the coming weeks.

Vaccines are readily available at supersites, clinics and pharmacies. To book your appointment visit or call l 1-844-MAN-VACC (1-844-626-8222) toll-free.

As always, up-to-date information is available at the following locations:

Information for the Public:

Information for Health Care Providers, Physicians & Staff: