Legislation Update
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) received Royal Assent in 2013 The Accessibility for Manitobans Act.
In October 2015, the Customer Service Standard Regulation went into effect Customer Service Standard Regulation.
If you own a company in Manitoba, it is critical that you understand your obligations under this provincial legislation and regulation. There are November 2018 deadlines.
In May 2019, the Accessible Employment Standard Regulation was enacted Accessible Employment Standard Regulation.
Visit Manitoba Accessibility Office to see the resources and information offered by the Manitoba Disabilities Issues Office.
Given that this legislation has the potential to be relevant to OT clients, it is useful that you are familiar with this material even if you have no obligations as a business owner.
COTM is working to meet its obligations under the AMA, such as creating an Accessibility Policy, along with other requirements of the Customer Service Standard Regulation. COTM has the good fortune to reside in a building with four organizations whose clients and customers are part of disability communities – we are learning together and supporting one another to meet our individual organization and collective obligations.
Through the Essential Competencies of Practice for Occupational Therapists in Canada, COTM articulates the requirement that its members demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to legislative and regulatory requirements relevant to the province and area of practice.
The Protecting Children (Information Sharing) Act
On September 15, 2017, Minister Scott Fielding announced the proclamation of The Protecting Children (Information Sharing) Act and its regulation. This new legislation allows provincial government departments, organizations and others who provide services to at-risk and vulnerable children to collect, use and share personal information (including personal health information) about supported children, their parents and legal guardians.
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Proclamation of The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Enhancing Passenger Safety)
On December 1, 2015, The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Enhancing Passenger Safety) and its supporting regulation, Standards for Mobility Aid Securement and Occupant Restraint Systems and Related Exemptions Regulation came into force.
In the winter of 2014/15, Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation consulted stakeholders on this initiative and now provides the following information as our organizations participated in those consultations.
See News item
The Apology Act
On October 27, 2014, the Manitoba Institute for Patient Safety (MIPS) and the Manitoba Alliance of Health Regulatory Colleges (the Alliance) launched an information sheet to create more awareness of Manitoba’s Apology Legislation and promote apology as the right and humane thing to do when the actions of caregivers bring unintended harm to patients and families.
Based upon its 10 years of patient-safety related experience, The Manitoba Institute for Patient Safety knows that patients and families need the truth when harm happens as a result of their healthcare experience.
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The Regulated Health Professions Act
The Regulated Health Professions Act received Royal Assent in June 2009. The legislation will go into effect at a date set by proclamation.
In May 2013, the COTM Legislation Committee coordinated a survey to solicit COTM member feedback about the proposed Scope of Practice statement. A total of 174 OTs reponded to the survey (27% of COTM membership). Please view the summary of the survey feedback here: OT Scope of Practice Survey Results June 2014
Over the past five years, COTM has been providing you with information regarding The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). This legislation will eventually be the governing legislation for the profession of occupational therapy in Manitoba, replacing The Occupational Therapists Act.
The RHPA, as proclaimed by the Government of Manitoba, will eventually replace the current acts of 22 regulated health professions in Manitoba. Each profession will also have its own profession-specific regulations under the RHPA. This legislation ensures all health professions in Manitoba are governed by consistent, uniform legislation and regulations with a focus on patient safety.
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